I'm having really strange times. I started with studies on university - art college. But it was in one of the ugliest cities you can visit in czech republic and very far away from my home. So I stopped with visiting this school after first month and now I hope that they will accpet my application for transition to art college in my town. It's not really art college, just art and graphic design department in college of education. And it doesn't have all famous qualities as normal art school, but for me it's good.
I remember that I had kaleidoscope two years ago. It was great to make photographies throught it!
PS: Does anybody of you know something about visualisations connected with music? I mean simple psychedelic animations... I'm searching for some simple software and i can't find anything.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Mori Girl 30 day challenge - day 27, 28, 29, 30
27- What’s your favorite fairy tale or myth?
Alice in Wonderland, of course... and, even if I'm not christian... this:
A holy man was having a conversation with the Lord one day and said, "Lord, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like." The Lord led the holy man to two doors. He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in. In the middle of the room was a large round table. In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew which smelled delicious and made the holy man's mouth water. The people sitting around the table were thin and sickly. They appeared to be famished. They were holding spoons with very long handles that were strapped to their arms and each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful, but because the handle was longer than their arms, they could not get the spoons back into their mouths. The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering. The Lord said, "You have seen Hell".
They went to the next room and opened the door. It was exactly the same as the first one. There was the large round table with the large pot of stew which made the holy man's mouth water. The people were equipped with the same long-handled spoons, but here the people were well nourished and plump, laughing and talking. The holy man said, "I don't understand." "It is simple," said the Lord, "it requires but one skill. You see, they have learned to feed each other, while the greedy think only of themselves."
28- Has getting into mori girl changed your perspective on life or how you life at all? how so?
Well... I realized that I'm not such a cool punk rock girl as I thought. And I admit it. So now, I feel that I can cry when I need and that it's not bad thing. I can be myself and myself is connected with the world around us and world around us is basically nature.
Also I care about the world around us. I'm trying to be ecological and eat just harmless food and use just harmless materials.
I am myself.
29- What other fashions are you interested in, if any?
Oh, of course. I was wearing lolita, but now, it's too uncomfortable for me. I'm wearing nu-goth, pastel goth, "grunge" or just something simple...
30- describe your ideal ‘mori girl day.’
Hey, I'm not sure!
Every day needs to start with a big cup of tea. Then some really tasty breakfast like waffles, crumpets etc.
I think it would be great to wake up in Finland. So, after breakfast, I would go out of my wooden cottage and pick up berries in forrest. Of course, I will pray for gods, so I can safely pick up berries without bears around. But still, I would like to see a bear :D Then I would eat some great lunch. I hate mushrooms, but still... This food has a mori atmosphere! So... Mushrooms for lunch. Then strawberry/blueberry/cranberry/whateverberry home made juice. After lunch, I will swim in the lake that is just next to my cottage.
And at the evening...... I would like to eat some "magic mushrooms" :) hahaa
4- name 5 things you love about mori girl.
5- name 5 things you dislike about mori girl.
6- what sort of things, outside of fashion, do you consider to be part of a mori girl lifestyle?
7- are you also a lolita? I find a lot of mori girls do lolita as well! whether you are or aren’t a lolita, why do you think this is?
14- do you like to coordinate the colors in your outfits to match the seasons? what colors do you think are most appropriate for each season, and why, if you’d like to explain?
22- What trends do you see taking the mori girl community by storm soon?
23- is your hair long or short? what’s your favorite hairstyle?
24- give us a mori girl inspired vignette! (a short, impressionistic scene that focus on one moment or gives a particular insight into a character, idea, or setting) Don’t fret too hard over it, we’re not all writers by trade, haha.
25- What’s your favorite animal and why?
26- When you’re out in nature, where do you often find yourself? (in the woods, a lake, river, etc. what’s your favorite spot? describe it for us!)
Monday, September 15, 2014
Lomo robot 3 lens
Few weeks ago I bought new analogue camera called Lomo robot 3 lens. It's really simple technology and, actually, too boring for me. I like when I can change exposure etc., so this is just... just something new. It works like... that you have 3 lenses and every of them is photographing in diferent moment - so you can see moving objects. But for me, the time between shoots is too short.
I'm preparing more projects with this camera, this film was just about trying. But I'll show you some photos!
What do you think? Do you have any ideas what to do with this camera? I'm preparing some shaddow/light plays.
Few weeks ago I bought new analogue camera called Lomo robot 3 lens. It's really simple technology and, actually, too boring for me. I like when I can change exposure etc., so this is just... just something new. It works like... that you have 3 lenses and every of them is photographing in diferent moment - so you can see moving objects. But for me, the time between shoots is too short.
I'm preparing more projects with this camera, this film was just about trying. But I'll show you some photos!
What do you think? Do you have any ideas what to do with this camera? I'm preparing some shaddow/light plays.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Mori Girl 30 day challenge - day 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
I have still my longest holidays ever. My art college starts in October, I think? :D I was learning how to produce films from analog camera.
I don't know what to write about. I'm working on my drawing challenge, but I'm too lazy to scan my drawings. So I'm going to continue with mori kei challenge:
22. What trends do you see taking the mori girl community by storm soon?
Oh - I'm really not sure. I can see that my favourite kind of mori - dark mori - is starting to be more and more frequent and witchy symbols are rising right now. I think that bird skulls are very impresive and one day it will be really big boom (also just with bones).
23. is your hair long or short? what’s your favorite hairstyle?
I have shot hair, but I always wanted long. Last days I'm not sure what I like. Sometimes I love really short hair that can make you look like a five years old boy. Than I love long wavy hair - like a fairy.With my hair, I'm just trying to have it in this Siouxsie style - big volume and fringe.
I still hope that I can make my hair to look like Helena Bonham Carter's hair, but that's impossible. I think I'll keep my shoulder shortness.
24- give us a mori girl inspired vignette! (a short, impressionistic scene that focus on one moment or gives a particular insight into a character, idea, or setting) Don’t fret too hard over it, we’re not all writers by trade, haha.
Love and peace, he?
25- What’s your favorite animal and why?
Rats and cats. Rats because i have two and they are soooo smart and I just love them!
Cats because we have three cats :D and they have amazing personality. I love how cats are flegmatic and lazy and that you can't own any cat, because cat owns you :D
26- When you’re out in nature, where do you often find yourself? (in the woods, a lake, river, etc. what’s your favorite spot? describe it for us!)
I'm often in forest, because it's the nearest nature from my home. My favourite cigarette place is near the river on one old "bridge", where people walks under and birds are flying over, but it's nor just nature.
My dreamy place is on some cold beach when it's snowing and sea is half frozen.
Byeee :)
1- naturally, our first question is how did you get into mori girl?
2- Who is/are your mori girl idols? who inspires your fashion?
3- Have you ever lived in a rural environment? if you have, do you
think it influenced your mori-ness? if you never have, do you think
living in a suburban or urban environment influenced your style any?
4- name 5 things you love about mori girl.
5- name 5 things you dislike about mori girl.
6- what sort of things, outside of fashion, do you consider to be part of a mori girl lifestyle?
7- are you also a lolita? I find a lot of mori girls do lolita as well! whether you are or aren’t a lolita, why do you think this is?
8- What is your favorite type of plant life? whether it be tree, bush, flower, fruit or vegetable? why is it so special to you?
9- list 10 words that remind you of mori girl or inspire your mori girl life.
10- What are your favorite books? do you think they’re mori or not?
11- name 5 of your favorite mori girl style songs or musicians, even if they’re not explicity “mori.”
12- name 5 mori girl style hobbies!
13- What films, if any, inspire your mori girl look and life?
14- do you like to coordinate the colors in your outfits to match the seasons? what colors do you think are most appropriate for each season, and why, if you’d like to explain?
15- post a photo of your favorite personal mori girl coordinate.
16- post at least 5 photos that inspire you. They don’t necessarily have to be fashion!
17- What’s your favorite season and why?
18- Are you inspired by any foreign cultures other than Japanese? what about them inspires you?
19- Are you inspired by your own culture? if so, how do you encorporate it?
20- How do you feel about the fairly prevalent use of fur in mori girl?
21- Where do you get most of your mori girl closet?
22- What trends do you see taking the mori girl community by storm soon?
23- is your hair long or short? what’s your favorite hairstyle?
24- give us a mori girl inspired vignette! (a short, impressionistic scene that focus on one moment or gives a particular insight into a character, idea, or setting) Don’t fret too hard over it, we’re not all writers by trade, haha.
25- What’s your favorite animal and why?
26- When you’re out in nature, where do you often find yourself? (in the woods, a lake, river, etc. what’s your favorite spot? describe it for us!)
27- What’s your favorite fairy tale or myth?
28- Has getting into mori girl changed your perspective on life or how you life at all? how so?
29- What other fashions are you interested in, if any?
30- describe your ideal ‘mori girl day.’
I have still my longest holidays ever. My art college starts in October, I think? :D I was learning how to produce films from analog camera.
I don't know what to write about. I'm working on my drawing challenge, but I'm too lazy to scan my drawings. So I'm going to continue with mori kei challenge:
22. What trends do you see taking the mori girl community by storm soon?
Oh - I'm really not sure. I can see that my favourite kind of mori - dark mori - is starting to be more and more frequent and witchy symbols are rising right now. I think that bird skulls are very impresive and one day it will be really big boom (also just with bones).
23. is your hair long or short? what’s your favorite hairstyle?
I have shot hair, but I always wanted long. Last days I'm not sure what I like. Sometimes I love really short hair that can make you look like a five years old boy. Than I love long wavy hair - like a fairy.With my hair, I'm just trying to have it in this Siouxsie style - big volume and fringe.
I still hope that I can make my hair to look like Helena Bonham Carter's hair, but that's impossible. I think I'll keep my shoulder shortness.
24- give us a mori girl inspired vignette! (a short, impressionistic scene that focus on one moment or gives a particular insight into a character, idea, or setting) Don’t fret too hard over it, we’re not all writers by trade, haha.
Love and peace, he?
25- What’s your favorite animal and why?
Rats and cats. Rats because i have two and they are soooo smart and I just love them!
Cats because we have three cats :D and they have amazing personality. I love how cats are flegmatic and lazy and that you can't own any cat, because cat owns you :D
26- When you’re out in nature, where do you often find yourself? (in the woods, a lake, river, etc. what’s your favorite spot? describe it for us!)
I'm often in forest, because it's the nearest nature from my home. My favourite cigarette place is near the river on one old "bridge", where people walks under and birds are flying over, but it's nor just nature.
My dreamy place is on some cold beach when it's snowing and sea is half frozen.
Byeee :)
4- name 5 things you love about mori girl.
5- name 5 things you dislike about mori girl.
6- what sort of things, outside of fashion, do you consider to be part of a mori girl lifestyle?
7- are you also a lolita? I find a lot of mori girls do lolita as well! whether you are or aren’t a lolita, why do you think this is?
14- do you like to coordinate the colors in your outfits to match the seasons? what colors do you think are most appropriate for each season, and why, if you’d like to explain?
22- What trends do you see taking the mori girl community by storm soon?
23- is your hair long or short? what’s your favorite hairstyle?
24- give us a mori girl inspired vignette! (a short, impressionistic scene that focus on one moment or gives a particular insight into a character, idea, or setting) Don’t fret too hard over it, we’re not all writers by trade, haha.
25- What’s your favorite animal and why?
26- When you’re out in nature, where do you often find yourself? (in the woods, a lake, river, etc. what’s your favorite spot? describe it for us!)
27- What’s your favorite fairy tale or myth?
28- Has getting into mori girl changed your perspective on life or how you life at all? how so?
29- What other fashions are you interested in, if any?
30- describe your ideal ‘mori girl day.’
Monday, September 1, 2014
Mori Girl 30 day challenge - day 18, 19, 20, 21
18- Are you inspired by any foreign cultures other than Japanese? what about them inspires you?
Well, actually, I'm not such a big japan-lover. I like whole east culture, from India and Arabia to Japan. I'm interested in religion, mostly hinduism or buddhism.
But only one country is my mind country and that is Finland. Last days I'm really interested in paganism. I love this winter country of pure design and shy people. They drink coffee so much, they are so nice and ecologial and everything in this country works. Finland is my country that I'm connected with.
It's not like... special culture. But it's Finland.
19- Are you inspured by your own culture? if so, how do you encorporate it?
Uh... I'm not sure if here, in Czech republic, is some inspirative culture. There was a communism that destroyed everything cultural. But I'm inspired by czech underground culture. The times when artists were against politic and they were creating disabled undergound art.
In my real life it's like... I don't like authority. And feel some hippie roots inside of me.
20- How do you feel about the fairly prevalent use of fur in mori girl?
I don!t wear it, I don't own it. I'm not like... violentry against fur. But I don't need to have something like this. And if, one day, I will want it, I'll buy fake fur. I think I wouldn't like the feeling od dead animal on my body.
21- Where do you ger most of your mori girl closet?
Secondhands and DIY.
1- naturally, our first question is how did you get into mori girl?
2- Who is/are your mori girl idols? who inspires your fashion?
3- Have you ever lived in a rural environment? if you have, do you
think it influenced your mori-ness? if you never have, do you think
living in a suburban or urban environment influenced your style any?
4- name 5 things you love about mori girl.
5- name 5 things you dislike about mori girl.
6- what sort of things, outside of fashion, do you consider to be part of a mori girl lifestyle?
7- are you also a lolita? I find a lot of mori girls do lolita as well! whether you are or aren’t a lolita, why do you think this is?
8- What is your favorite type of plant life? whether it be tree, bush, flower, fruit or vegetable? why is it so special to you?
9- list 10 words that remind you of mori girl or inspire your mori girl life.
10- What are your favorite books? do you think they’re mori or not?
11- name 5 of your favorite mori girl style songs or musicians, even if they’re not explicity “mori.”
12- name 5 mori girl style hobbies!
13- What films, if any, inspire your mori girl look and life?
14- do you like to coordinate the colors in your outfits to match the seasons? what colors do you think are most appropriate for each season, and why, if you’d like to explain?
15- post a photo of your favorite personal mori girl coordinate.
16- post at least 5 photos that inspire you. They don’t necessarily have to be fashion!
17- What’s your favorite season and why?
18- Are you inspired by any foreign cultures other than Japanese? what about them inspires you?
19- Are you inspired by your own culture? if so, how do you encorporate it?
20- How do you feel about the fairly prevalent use of fur in mori girl?
21- Where do you get most of your mori girl closet?
22- What trends do you see taking the mori girl community by storm soon?
23- is your hair long or short? what’s your favorite hairstyle?
24- give us a mori girl inspired vignette! (a short, impressionistic scene that focus on one moment or gives a particular insight into a character, idea, or setting) Don’t fret too hard over it, we’re not all writers by trade, haha.
25- What’s your favorite animal and why?
26- When you’re out in nature, where do you often find yourself? (in the woods, a lake, river, etc. what’s your favorite spot? describe it for us!)
27- What’s your favorite fairy tale or myth?
28- Has getting into mori girl changed your perspective on life or how you life at all? how so?
29- What other fashions are you interested in, if any?
30- describe your ideal ‘mori girl day.’
Well, actually, I'm not such a big japan-lover. I like whole east culture, from India and Arabia to Japan. I'm interested in religion, mostly hinduism or buddhism.
But only one country is my mind country and that is Finland. Last days I'm really interested in paganism. I love this winter country of pure design and shy people. They drink coffee so much, they are so nice and ecologial and everything in this country works. Finland is my country that I'm connected with.
It's not like... special culture. But it's Finland.
19- Are you inspured by your own culture? if so, how do you encorporate it?
Uh... I'm not sure if here, in Czech republic, is some inspirative culture. There was a communism that destroyed everything cultural. But I'm inspired by czech underground culture. The times when artists were against politic and they were creating disabled undergound art.
In my real life it's like... I don't like authority. And feel some hippie roots inside of me.
20- How do you feel about the fairly prevalent use of fur in mori girl?
I don!t wear it, I don't own it. I'm not like... violentry against fur. But I don't need to have something like this. And if, one day, I will want it, I'll buy fake fur. I think I wouldn't like the feeling od dead animal on my body.
21- Where do you ger most of your mori girl closet?
Secondhands and DIY.
4- name 5 things you love about mori girl.
5- name 5 things you dislike about mori girl.
6- what sort of things, outside of fashion, do you consider to be part of a mori girl lifestyle?
7- are you also a lolita? I find a lot of mori girls do lolita as well! whether you are or aren’t a lolita, why do you think this is?
14- do you like to coordinate the colors in your outfits to match the seasons? what colors do you think are most appropriate for each season, and why, if you’d like to explain?
22- What trends do you see taking the mori girl community by storm soon?
23- is your hair long or short? what’s your favorite hairstyle?
24- give us a mori girl inspired vignette! (a short, impressionistic scene that focus on one moment or gives a particular insight into a character, idea, or setting) Don’t fret too hard over it, we’re not all writers by trade, haha.
25- What’s your favorite animal and why?
26- When you’re out in nature, where do you often find yourself? (in the woods, a lake, river, etc. what’s your favorite spot? describe it for us!)
27- What’s your favorite fairy tale or myth?
28- Has getting into mori girl changed your perspective on life or how you life at all? how so?
29- What other fashions are you interested in, if any?
30- describe your ideal ‘mori girl day.’
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Mori Girl 30 day challenge - day 14, 15, 16, 17
14. do you like to coordinate the colors in your ourfits to match the seasons? what colors do you think are most appropriate for each season, and why, if you'd like to explain?
Sometime I do that, but what I love more is to do it totally different. Like to wear summer flowers in hair when it's winter and wear snowflaked sweater when it's summer. As mori girl I wear almost always autumn outfits. And whey autumn really is, I'm happy that I match with the seasons. But still I enjoy the absurdity.
spring - green and pink colours, flowers everywhere...
summer - yellow, deeper green, khaki colours..? Im not really sure about summer. I think that summer is typical for short shorts, dresses, not many layers.
autumn - aww... mori season. black, all kinds of brown, orange, yellow, wine red. Many scarf, leg warmers, but still you don't feel cold with shorter skirt and top. Autumn is for me every day :)
winter - I actually like to "wear winter". For me it means the warmest sweaters, long skirts, many layers of tights and leg warmers and socks. I have my blue and white winter shirt :) Winter colours are grey, black, blue and white, for me. And velvet material..!!
15- post a photo of your favourite personal mori girl coordinate.
Actually I don't have photos of my own coordinates. But here for example (on the left), you can see my last dark mori outfit tha I was wearing on victorian catherine's picnic.
16- post at least 5 photos that inspire you. They don't necessearily have to be a fashion!
I would like to post photos that inspire me not just in mori way.
17. What's your favorite season and why?
I love all seasons. Now I'm happy that autumn is comming, I'm looking for a winter and then I'll be happy that spring will come and I'll be looking for a summer. :) But mostly I love the next season that will come and I don't like the season that is right now.
1- naturally, our first question is how did you get into mori girl?
2- Who is/are your mori girl idols? who inspires your fashion?
3- Have you ever lived in a rural environment? if you have, do you
think it influenced your mori-ness? if you never have, do you think
living in a suburban or urban environment influenced your style any?
4- name 5 things you love about mori girl.
5- name 5 things you dislike about mori girl.
6- what sort of things, outside of fashion, do you consider to be part of a mori girl lifestyle?
7- are you also a lolita? I find a lot of mori girls do lolita as well! whether you are or aren’t a lolita, why do you think this is?
8- What is your favorite type of plant life? whether it be tree, bush, flower, fruit or vegetable? why is it so special to you?
9- list 10 words that remind you of mori girl or inspire your mori girl life.
10- What are your favorite books? do you think they’re mori or not?
11- name 5 of your favorite mori girl style songs or musicians, even if they’re not explicity “mori.”
12- name 5 mori girl style hobbies!
13- What films, if any, inspire your mori girl look and life?
14- do you like to coordinate the colors in your outfits to match the seasons? what colors do you think are most appropriate for each season, and why, if you’d like to explain?
15- post a photo of your favorite personal mori girl coordinate.
16- post at least 5 photos that inspire you. They don’t necessarily have to be fashion!
17- What’s your favorite season and why?
18- Are you inspired by any foreign cultures other than Japanese? what about them inspires you?
19- Are you inspired by your own culture? if so, how do you encorporate it?
20- How do you feel about the fairly prevalent use of fur in mori girl?
21- Where do you get most of your mori girl closet?
22- What trends do you see taking the mori girl community by storm soon?
23- is your hair long or short? what’s your favorite hairstyle?
24- give us a mori girl inspired vignette! (a short, impressionistic scene that focus on one moment or gives a particular insight into a character, idea, or setting) Don’t fret too hard over it, we’re not all writers by trade, haha.
25- What’s your favorite animal and why?
26- When you’re out in nature, where do you often find yourself? (in the woods, a lake, river, etc. what’s your favorite spot? describe it for us!)
27- What’s your favorite fairy tale or myth?
28- Has getting into mori girl changed your perspective on life or how you life at all? how so?
29- What other fashions are you interested in, if any?
30- describe your ideal ‘mori girl day.’
Sometime I do that, but what I love more is to do it totally different. Like to wear summer flowers in hair when it's winter and wear snowflaked sweater when it's summer. As mori girl I wear almost always autumn outfits. And whey autumn really is, I'm happy that I match with the seasons. But still I enjoy the absurdity.
spring - green and pink colours, flowers everywhere...
summer - yellow, deeper green, khaki colours..? Im not really sure about summer. I think that summer is typical for short shorts, dresses, not many layers.
autumn - aww... mori season. black, all kinds of brown, orange, yellow, wine red. Many scarf, leg warmers, but still you don't feel cold with shorter skirt and top. Autumn is for me every day :)
winter - I actually like to "wear winter". For me it means the warmest sweaters, long skirts, many layers of tights and leg warmers and socks. I have my blue and white winter shirt :) Winter colours are grey, black, blue and white, for me. And velvet material..!!
15- post a photo of your favourite personal mori girl coordinate.
Actually I don't have photos of my own coordinates. But here for example (on the left), you can see my last dark mori outfit tha I was wearing on victorian catherine's picnic.
16- post at least 5 photos that inspire you. They don't necessearily have to be a fashion!
I would like to post photos that inspire me not just in mori way.
![]() |
Jiřà Kovanda |
Patti and Robert.. It means so much for me. "I need to do my art with a good and deep feeling". |
![]() |
This photo is really strong for me. |
Francis Bacon |
snack |
17. What's your favorite season and why?
I love all seasons. Now I'm happy that autumn is comming, I'm looking for a winter and then I'll be happy that spring will come and I'll be looking for a summer. :) But mostly I love the next season that will come and I don't like the season that is right now.
4- name 5 things you love about mori girl.
5- name 5 things you dislike about mori girl.
6- what sort of things, outside of fashion, do you consider to be part of a mori girl lifestyle?
7- are you also a lolita? I find a lot of mori girls do lolita as well! whether you are or aren’t a lolita, why do you think this is?
14- do you like to coordinate the colors in your outfits to match the seasons? what colors do you think are most appropriate for each season, and why, if you’d like to explain?
18- Are you inspired by any foreign cultures other than Japanese? what about them inspires you?
19- Are you inspired by your own culture? if so, how do you encorporate it?
20- How do you feel about the fairly prevalent use of fur in mori girl?
21- Where do you get most of your mori girl closet?
22- What trends do you see taking the mori girl community by storm soon?
23- is your hair long or short? what’s your favorite hairstyle?
24- give us a mori girl inspired vignette! (a short, impressionistic scene that focus on one moment or gives a particular insight into a character, idea, or setting) Don’t fret too hard over it, we’re not all writers by trade, haha.
25- What’s your favorite animal and why?
26- When you’re out in nature, where do you often find yourself? (in the woods, a lake, river, etc. what’s your favorite spot? describe it for us!)
27- What’s your favorite fairy tale or myth?
28- Has getting into mori girl changed your perspective on life or how you life at all? how so?
29- What other fashions are you interested in, if any?
30- describe your ideal ‘mori girl day.’
Friday, August 29, 2014
Mori Girl 30 day challenge - day 11, 12, 13
11. Name 5 of your favorite mori girl style songs or musicians, even if they're not explicity "mori"
Okay, mori music! The best day of challenge :D
The Tiny:
Gazelle Twin... for dark mori:
Esben and the witch. Dark mori:
Crystal Stilts... perfect with a cup of tea :) :
Nouvelle Vague. Great covers of great originals...:
12. Name 5 mori girl syle hobbies!
I think it's still the same questions :D
Books, creating, enjoying great tea/coffee/hot juice/..., nice walks, may be also occultism...
13. What films, if any, inspire your mori girl look and life?
1- naturally, our first question is how did you get into mori girl?
2- Who is/are your mori girl idols? who inspires your fashion?
3- Have you ever lived in a rural environment? if you have, do you
think it influenced your mori-ness? if you never have, do you think
living in a suburban or urban environment influenced your style any?
4- name 5 things you love about mori girl.
5- name 5 things you dislike about mori girl.
6- what sort of things, outside of fashion, do you consider to be part of a mori girl lifestyle?
7- are you also a lolita? I find a lot of mori girls do lolita as well! whether you are or aren’t a lolita, why do you think this is?
8- What is your favorite type of plant life? whether it be tree, bush, flower, fruit or vegetable? why is it so special to you?
9- list 10 words that remind you of mori girl or inspire your mori girl life.
10- What are your favorite books? do you think they’re mori or not?
11- name 5 of your favorite mori girl style songs or musicians, even if they’re not explicity “mori.”
12- name 5 mori girl style hobbies!
13- What films, if any, inspire your mori girl look and life?
14- do you like to coordinate the colors in your outfits to match the seasons? what colors do you think are most appropriate for each season, and why, if you’d like to explain?
15- post a photo of your favorite personal mori girl coordinate.
16- post at least 5 photos that inspire you. They don’t necessarily have to be fashion!
17- What’s your favorite season and why?
18- Are you inspired by any foreign cultures other than Japanese? what about them inspires you?
19- Are you inspired by your own culture? if so, how do you encorporate it?
20- How do you feel about the fairly prevalent use of fur in mori girl?
21- Where do you get most of your mori girl closet?
22- What trends do you see taking the mori girl community by storm soon?
23- is your hair long or short? what’s your favorite hairstyle?
24- give us a mori girl inspired vignette! (a short, impressionistic scene that focus on one moment or gives a particular insight into a character, idea, or setting) Don’t fret too hard over it, we’re not all writers by trade, haha.
25- What’s your favorite animal and why?
26- When you’re out in nature, where do you often find yourself? (in the woods, a lake, river, etc. what’s your favorite spot? describe it for us!)
27- What’s your favorite fairy tale or myth?
28- Has getting into mori girl changed your perspective on life or how you life at all? how so?
29- What other fashions are you interested in, if any?
30- describe your ideal ‘mori girl day.’
Okay, mori music! The best day of challenge :D
The Tiny:
12. Name 5 mori girl syle hobbies!
I think it's still the same questions :D
Books, creating, enjoying great tea/coffee/hot juice/..., nice walks, may be also occultism...
13. What films, if any, inspire your mori girl look and life?
Valerie and her week of wonders
Indian summer / Indiánské léto, czech movie.
Mononoke Hime
The year of the hare / finnish film :)
4- name 5 things you love about mori girl.
5- name 5 things you dislike about mori girl.
6- what sort of things, outside of fashion, do you consider to be part of a mori girl lifestyle?
7- are you also a lolita? I find a lot of mori girls do lolita as well! whether you are or aren’t a lolita, why do you think this is?
14- do you like to coordinate the colors in your outfits to match the seasons? what colors do you think are most appropriate for each season, and why, if you’d like to explain?
15- post a photo of your favorite personal mori girl coordinate.
16- post at least 5 photos that inspire you. They don’t necessarily have to be fashion!
17- What’s your favorite season and why?
18- Are you inspired by any foreign cultures other than Japanese? what about them inspires you?
19- Are you inspired by your own culture? if so, how do you encorporate it?
20- How do you feel about the fairly prevalent use of fur in mori girl?
21- Where do you get most of your mori girl closet?
22- What trends do you see taking the mori girl community by storm soon?
23- is your hair long or short? what’s your favorite hairstyle?
24- give us a mori girl inspired vignette! (a short, impressionistic scene that focus on one moment or gives a particular insight into a character, idea, or setting) Don’t fret too hard over it, we’re not all writers by trade, haha.
25- What’s your favorite animal and why?
26- When you’re out in nature, where do you often find yourself? (in the woods, a lake, river, etc. what’s your favorite spot? describe it for us!)
27- What’s your favorite fairy tale or myth?
28- Has getting into mori girl changed your perspective on life or how you life at all? how so?
29- What other fashions are you interested in, if any?
30- describe your ideal ‘mori girl day.’
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Mori Girl 30 day challenge - day 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
6. What sort of things, outside of fashion, do you consider to be part of a mori girl lifestyle?
It depends on your own hobbies, of course! So, for me, it can be connected with art - drawing and photography. My drawings are on old brown paper, so it has this oldschool eco mori feeling :D and also Im photographing with old analog cameras - the same thing. Than this special mori relationship with nature. I think having some cute pets and giving them the best (it a good way - high quality of food, the most normal natural life they can have even if they are someones pets) is very mori. Ecology, vegan/vegetarian food, your own vegetable from your own garden... This is important for me.
7. Are you also a lolita? I find a lot of mori girls do lolita as well! Wheter you are or aren't a lolita, why do you think this is?
I am/I was a lolita, yes. I own some lolita dress and petticoat and RHS shoes. But I don't wear it... because it's not comfortable and normal people just don't get it. So I'm wearing lolita only when I have good reason (lolita meetings) and I wear mori almost every day. I think lolita was my first touch with japanesse fashion and when I started to wear mori, I realised how uncomfortable lolita is :D and also I don't like this "clean and snobbish" design and acting that needs to suits with lolita. Mori, maybe not just for me, is a good compromise between dirty and comfortable and japanesse fashion and coulture.
8. What is your favorite type of plant life? Whether it be tree, bush, flower, fruit or vegetable? Why is it so special to you?
I love pine trees. They are so tall - they know about everything around. They also have needles - good protection in life. And good smell.
9. List of 10 words that reminds you of mori girl or inspire your mori girl life.
witch, deer, tea, coffee, dry chalks, honney, henna, cats, books, fire.
10. What are your favorite books? Do you think they're mori or not?
Oh yess! The Master and Margarita, my bible about witches, devils and Jesus. I love it and I think it's very witchy-mori.
Than one book by czech writer Jarmila Loukotková about Francois Villon. Middle ages. I think it's a bit mori too, this poetic atmosphere :)
1- naturally, our first question is how did you get into mori girl?
2- Who is/are your mori girl idols? who inspires your fashion?
3- Have you ever lived in a rural environment? if you have, do you
think it influenced your mori-ness? if you never have, do you think
living in a suburban or urban environment influenced your style any?
4- name 5 things you love about mori girl.
5- name 5 things you dislike about mori girl.
6- what sort of things, outside of fashion, do you consider to be part of a mori girl lifestyle?
7- are you also a lolita? I find a lot of mori girls do lolita as well! whether you are or aren’t a lolita, why do you think this is?
8- What is your favorite type of plant life? whether it be tree, bush, flower, fruit or vegetable? why is it so special to you?
9- list 10 words that remind you of mori girl or inspire your mori girl life.
10- What are your favorite books? do you think they’re mori or not?
11- name 5 of your favorite mori girl style songs or musicians, even if they’re not explicity “mori.”
12- name 5 mori girl style hobbies!
13- What films, if any, inspire your mori girl look and life?
14- do you like to coordinate the colors in your outfits to match the seasons? what colors do you think are most appropriate for each season, and why, if you’d like to explain?
15- post a photo of your favorite personal mori girl coordinate.
16- post at least 5 photos that inspire you. They don’t necessarily have to be fashion!
17- What’s your favorite season and why?
18- Are you inspired by any foreign cultures other than Japanese? what about them inspires you?
19- Are you inspired by your own culture? if so, how do you encorporate it?
20- How do you feel about the fairly prevalent use of fur in mori girl?
21- Where do you get most of your mori girl closet?
22- What trends do you see taking the mori girl community by storm soon?
23- is your hair long or short? what’s your favorite hairstyle?
24- give us a mori girl inspired vignette! (a short, impressionistic scene that focus on one moment or gives a particular insight into a character, idea, or setting) Don’t fret too hard over it, we’re not all writers by trade, haha.
25- What’s your favorite animal and why?
26- When you’re out in nature, where do you often find yourself? (in the woods, a lake, river, etc. what’s your favorite spot? describe it for us!)
27- What’s your favorite fairy tale or myth?
28- Has getting into mori girl changed your perspective on life or how you life at all? how so?
29- What other fashions are you interested in, if any?
30- describe your ideal ‘mori girl day.’
It depends on your own hobbies, of course! So, for me, it can be connected with art - drawing and photography. My drawings are on old brown paper, so it has this oldschool eco mori feeling :D and also Im photographing with old analog cameras - the same thing. Than this special mori relationship with nature. I think having some cute pets and giving them the best (it a good way - high quality of food, the most normal natural life they can have even if they are someones pets) is very mori. Ecology, vegan/vegetarian food, your own vegetable from your own garden... This is important for me.
7. Are you also a lolita? I find a lot of mori girls do lolita as well! Wheter you are or aren't a lolita, why do you think this is?
I am/I was a lolita, yes. I own some lolita dress and petticoat and RHS shoes. But I don't wear it... because it's not comfortable and normal people just don't get it. So I'm wearing lolita only when I have good reason (lolita meetings) and I wear mori almost every day. I think lolita was my first touch with japanesse fashion and when I started to wear mori, I realised how uncomfortable lolita is :D and also I don't like this "clean and snobbish" design and acting that needs to suits with lolita. Mori, maybe not just for me, is a good compromise between dirty and comfortable and japanesse fashion and coulture.
8. What is your favorite type of plant life? Whether it be tree, bush, flower, fruit or vegetable? Why is it so special to you?
I love pine trees. They are so tall - they know about everything around. They also have needles - good protection in life. And good smell.
9. List of 10 words that reminds you of mori girl or inspire your mori girl life.
witch, deer, tea, coffee, dry chalks, honney, henna, cats, books, fire.
10. What are your favorite books? Do you think they're mori or not?
Oh yess! The Master and Margarita, my bible about witches, devils and Jesus. I love it and I think it's very witchy-mori.
Than one book by czech writer Jarmila Loukotková about Francois Villon. Middle ages. I think it's a bit mori too, this poetic atmosphere :)
4- name 5 things you love about mori girl.
5- name 5 things you dislike about mori girl.
6- what sort of things, outside of fashion, do you consider to be part of a mori girl lifestyle?
7- are you also a lolita? I find a lot of mori girls do lolita as well! whether you are or aren’t a lolita, why do you think this is?
11- name 5 of your favorite mori girl style songs or musicians, even if they’re not explicity “mori.”
12- name 5 mori girl style hobbies!
13- What films, if any, inspire your mori girl look and life?
14- do you like to coordinate the colors in your outfits to match the seasons? what colors do you think are most appropriate for each season, and why, if you’d like to explain?
15- post a photo of your favorite personal mori girl coordinate.
16- post at least 5 photos that inspire you. They don’t necessarily have to be fashion!
17- What’s your favorite season and why?
18- Are you inspired by any foreign cultures other than Japanese? what about them inspires you?
19- Are you inspired by your own culture? if so, how do you encorporate it?
20- How do you feel about the fairly prevalent use of fur in mori girl?
21- Where do you get most of your mori girl closet?
22- What trends do you see taking the mori girl community by storm soon?
23- is your hair long or short? what’s your favorite hairstyle?
24- give us a mori girl inspired vignette! (a short, impressionistic scene that focus on one moment or gives a particular insight into a character, idea, or setting) Don’t fret too hard over it, we’re not all writers by trade, haha.
25- What’s your favorite animal and why?
26- When you’re out in nature, where do you often find yourself? (in the woods, a lake, river, etc. what’s your favorite spot? describe it for us!)
27- What’s your favorite fairy tale or myth?
28- Has getting into mori girl changed your perspective on life or how you life at all? how so?
29- What other fashions are you interested in, if any?
30- describe your ideal ‘mori girl day.’
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Mori Girl 30 day challenge - day 3, 4, 5
3. Have you ever lived in a rural environment? If you have, do you think it influenced your mori-ness? Iy you never have, do you think living in a suburban or urban environment influenced your style any?
Im from normally sized city and I have never been in rural for a longer time. But when I was, I loved it - picking mushrooms with my family, building forest houses from wood and moss,... And it taught me that it it important to feel comfortable in all situations.
City influenced my style much more - my style is dark, dirty and tattered - and that's how i feel in a city full of strangers.
4. Name 5 things you love about mori girl.
1. being in dark colours and having hippie aura in one time :)
2. creating accesories and clothes
3. conncection with many things that are somewhere inside of yourself: nature, witchcrafts, buddhism/hinduism, free spirit, vege food and lifestyle
4. tea
5. people doesn't assume that you are neat, clean, that you are shaving and showering all the time... so I can't dissapoint them :D
5. Name 5 things you dislike about mori girl.
I don't think that there are bad things about mori...but I'll try:
1. Hah... when it's too warm and I just really want to wear many layers of wool
2. When I create something (earring, headband) and it brokes while I'm socializing somewhere in pub
3. Some people are more crazy "i love japan" otaku than calm hippie guys.
4. "Oh no, such a beautiful fairy with a cigarette/beer!" Oh, I love my cigarettes, I love my beers, I do what I do. I had same problem with lolita fashion.
...nothing else...? If I don't like to do something I dont do it, that's simple!
1- naturally, our first question is how did you get into mori girl?
2- Who is/are your mori girl idols? who inspires your fashion?
3- Have you ever lived in a rural environment? if you have, do you
think it influenced your mori-ness? if you never have, do you think
living in a suburban or urban environment influenced your style any?
4- name 5 things you love about mori girl.
5- name 5 things you dislike about mori girl.
6- what sort of things, outside of fashion, do you consider to be part of a mori girl lifestyle?
7- are you also a lolita? I find a lot of mori girls do lolita as well! whether you are or aren’t a lolita, why do you think this is?
8- What is your favorite type of plant life? whether it be tree, bush, flower, fruit or vegetable? why is it so special to you?
9- list 10 words that remind you of mori girl or inspire your mori girl life.
10- What are your favorite books? do you think they’re mori or not?
11- name 5 of your favorite mori girl style songs or musicians, even if they’re not explicity “mori.”
12- name 5 mori girl style hobbies!
13- What films, if any, inspire your mori girl look and life?
14- do you like to coordinate the colors in your outfits to match the seasons? what colors do you think are most appropriate for each season, and why, if you’d like to explain?
15- post a photo of your favorite personal mori girl coordinate.
16- post at least 5 photos that inspire you. They don’t necessarily have to be fashion!
17- What’s your favorite season and why?
18- Are you inspired by any foreign cultures other than Japanese? what about them inspires you?
19- Are you inspired by your own culture? if so, how do you encorporate it?
20- How do you feel about the fairly prevalent use of fur in mori girl?
21- Where do you get most of your mori girl closet?
22- What trends do you see taking the mori girl community by storm soon?
23- is your hair long or short? what’s your favorite hairstyle?
24- give us a mori girl inspired vignette! (a short, impressionistic scene that focus on one moment or gives a particular insight into a character, idea, or setting) Don’t fret too hard over it, we’re not all writers by trade, haha.
25- What’s your favorite animal and why?
26- When you’re out in nature, where do you often find yourself? (in the woods, a lake, river, etc. what’s your favorite spot? describe it for us!)
27- What’s your favorite fairy tale or myth?
28- Has getting into mori girl changed your perspective on life or how you life at all? how so?
29- What other fashions are you interested in, if any?
30- describe your ideal ‘mori girl day.’
Im from normally sized city and I have never been in rural for a longer time. But when I was, I loved it - picking mushrooms with my family, building forest houses from wood and moss,... And it taught me that it it important to feel comfortable in all situations.
City influenced my style much more - my style is dark, dirty and tattered - and that's how i feel in a city full of strangers.
4. Name 5 things you love about mori girl.
1. being in dark colours and having hippie aura in one time :)
2. creating accesories and clothes
3. conncection with many things that are somewhere inside of yourself: nature, witchcrafts, buddhism/hinduism, free spirit, vege food and lifestyle
4. tea
5. people doesn't assume that you are neat, clean, that you are shaving and showering all the time... so I can't dissapoint them :D
5. Name 5 things you dislike about mori girl.
I don't think that there are bad things about mori...but I'll try:
1. Hah... when it's too warm and I just really want to wear many layers of wool
2. When I create something (earring, headband) and it brokes while I'm socializing somewhere in pub
3. Some people are more crazy "i love japan" otaku than calm hippie guys.
4. "Oh no, such a beautiful fairy with a cigarette/beer!" Oh, I love my cigarettes, I love my beers, I do what I do. I had same problem with lolita fashion.
...nothing else...? If I don't like to do something I dont do it, that's simple!
4- name 5 things you love about mori girl.
5- name 5 things you dislike about mori girl.
6- what sort of things, outside of fashion, do you consider to be part of a mori girl lifestyle?
7- are you also a lolita? I find a lot of mori girls do lolita as well! whether you are or aren’t a lolita, why do you think this is?
8- What is your favorite type of plant life? whether it be tree, bush, flower, fruit or vegetable? why is it so special to you?
9- list 10 words that remind you of mori girl or inspire your mori girl life.
10- What are your favorite books? do you think they’re mori or not?
11- name 5 of your favorite mori girl style songs or musicians, even if they’re not explicity “mori.”
12- name 5 mori girl style hobbies!
13- What films, if any, inspire your mori girl look and life?
14- do you like to coordinate the colors in your outfits to match the seasons? what colors do you think are most appropriate for each season, and why, if you’d like to explain?
15- post a photo of your favorite personal mori girl coordinate.
16- post at least 5 photos that inspire you. They don’t necessarily have to be fashion!
17- What’s your favorite season and why?
18- Are you inspired by any foreign cultures other than Japanese? what about them inspires you?
19- Are you inspired by your own culture? if so, how do you encorporate it?
20- How do you feel about the fairly prevalent use of fur in mori girl?
21- Where do you get most of your mori girl closet?
22- What trends do you see taking the mori girl community by storm soon?
23- is your hair long or short? what’s your favorite hairstyle?
24- give us a mori girl inspired vignette! (a short, impressionistic scene that focus on one moment or gives a particular insight into a character, idea, or setting) Don’t fret too hard over it, we’re not all writers by trade, haha.
25- What’s your favorite animal and why?
26- When you’re out in nature, where do you often find yourself? (in the woods, a lake, river, etc. what’s your favorite spot? describe it for us!)
27- What’s your favorite fairy tale or myth?
28- Has getting into mori girl changed your perspective on life or how you life at all? how so?
29- What other fashions are you interested in, if any?
30- describe your ideal ‘mori girl day.’
I just arrived from my journey throught the west europe. I was hitch-hiking with my new man - to know each others better and to get out of our problems connected with our city.
I have to say one thing... Hitch-hiking is so great!! Of yourse I was tired of petrol stations and of mean people, but still, it is great! I've met many nice people and I tried to live like a homeless.
Our play was to go to the spain, but we ended in amsterdam. Than belgium, louxembourg, france, germany and home, sweet home.
Im tired of telling people about my experiencies and tired of trying to live same normal life that I was living before.
I just arrived from my journey throught the west europe. I was hitch-hiking with my new man - to know each others better and to get out of our problems connected with our city.
I have to say one thing... Hitch-hiking is so great!! Of yourse I was tired of petrol stations and of mean people, but still, it is great! I've met many nice people and I tried to live like a homeless.
Our play was to go to the spain, but we ended in amsterdam. Than belgium, louxembourg, france, germany and home, sweet home.
Im tired of telling people about my experiencies and tired of trying to live same normal life that I was living before.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Mori Girl 30 day challenge - day 1,2
1- naturally, our first question is how did you get into mori girl?
This is really hard to say. I was always unsure about myself. I like to look good, yes, but I feel like an idiot when it looks too plastic, too heavy, too uncomfortable. I loke goth music and I am hippie in the way of my thinking, in my dreams of living. So... my kind of dark mori kei is this compromise between being true goth and being true hippie.
At the first time I didn't even know that I can really call my kind of look like mori. I was always.. me. And I know that I have some mori friends and they don't even care about fashion. They are my true forest friends and they are more nature lovers than me. So I it was always something that I like to see, I like to be inspired by, but it was also like something I can't be because I don't think that I have a personality for it.
When one of my friend asked me if she can use my photos fot her mori kei presentation, I was nicely surprised. I wasn't so interested about mori for a few months after, but now, while having the longest holidays ever, I stared with creating mori things and now I am deeply in it.
2- Who is/are your morigirl idols? who inspires your fashion?
http://shortcuttothestars.tumblr.com/ (actually not sure who is this girl, but... i love her outfits!) |
![]() |
http://kaninchenherz.blogspot.cz/ |
Ophelia... I'm reading her blog for a long time and I'm inspired by her for a long time.
http://lookbook.nu/flutterbydaisy |
This girl is a master of pretty dress and cute forest looks...
http://pinstripedbutton.tumblr.com/ |
And Rebecka. Im inspired by her also very long time. She is awesome! Not real mori, but she's full of this pure mori feeling, if you know what I mean...
and than my friends and my sister :)
3- Have you ever lived in a rural environment? if you have, do you think it influenced your mori-ness? if you never have, do you think living in a suburban or urban environment influenced your style any?
4- name 5 things you love about mori girl.
5- name 5 things you dislike about mori girl.
6- what sort of things, outside of fashion, do you consider to be part of a mori girl lifestyle?
7- are you also a lolita? I find a lot of mori girls do lolita as well! whether you are or aren’t a lolita, why do you think this is?
8- What is your favorite type of plant life? whether it be tree, bush, flower, fruit or vegetable? why is it so special to you?
9- list 10 words that remind you of mori girl or inspire your mori girl life.
10- What are your favorite books? do you think they’re mori or not?
11- name 5 of your favorite mori girl style songs or musicians, even if they’re not explicity “mori.”
12- name 5 mori girl style hobbies!
13- What films, if any, inspire your mori girl look and life?
14- do you like to coordinate the colors in your outfits to match the seasons? what colors do you think are most appropriate for each season, and why, if you’d like to explain?
15- post a photo of your favorite personal mori girl coordinate.
16- post at least 5 photos that inspire you. They don’t necessarily have to be fashion!
17- What’s your favorite season and why?
18- Are you inspired by any foreign cultures other than Japanese? what about them inspires you?
19- Are you inspired by your own culture? if so, how do you encorporate it?
20- How do you feel about the fairly prevalent use of fur in mori girl?
21- Where do you get most of your mori girl closet?
22- What trends do you see taking the mori girl community by storm soon?
23- is your hair long or short? what’s your favorite hairstyle?
24- give us a mori girl inspired vignette! (a short, impressionistic scene that focus on one moment or gives a particular insight into a character, idea, or setting) Don’t fret too hard over it, we’re not all writers by trade, haha.
25- What’s your favorite animal and why?
26- When you’re out in nature, where do you often find yourself? (in the woods, a lake, river, etc. what’s your favorite spot? describe it for us!)
27- What’s your favorite fairy tale or myth?
28- Has getting into mori girl changed your perspective on life or how you life at all? how so?
29- What other fashions are you interested in, if any?
30- describe your ideal ‘mori girl day.’
Saturday, July 19, 2014
DIY projects - Mori kei
When one of my friends told me, that she's gonna use my photos for her mori kei lection, I was nicely surprised. This was the first time when I realized, that I am really wearing this kind of style. Than it was very simple to find some inspiration on the internet, learn something about it and now I can really say that I'm inspired by mori style and it's not just accident.
And now... I want to inspire you with my mori projects!
As I showed you in one of my posts, I have many of headbands:
Watches and pieces from alarm clock:
This skirt is REmake of an old shirt.
Theese dress/long t-shirt are very good for dark mori outfits too. And can you see this scarf? It's the best thing I can wear with dark mori outfits!
White ragged petticoat. I love it! It makes you fly like an fairy :)
...and the last thing. My passion, the only thing that I am able to do last days... dream catcher!
Is this post inspirative for you? And do you have some ideas for me?
When one of my friends told me, that she's gonna use my photos for her mori kei lection, I was nicely surprised. This was the first time when I realized, that I am really wearing this kind of style. Than it was very simple to find some inspiration on the internet, learn something about it and now I can really say that I'm inspired by mori style and it's not just accident.
And now... I want to inspire you with my mori projects!
As I showed you in one of my posts, I have many of headbands:
Than I really love to wear this collar. It was an old grandpa's collar without any shape, so I just took a piece of fabric and I made basic and simple "under" collar:
Watches and pieces from alarm clock:
Feather in hair:
Ring... and my favourite symbol: the moon!
And now.... clothes.This skirt is REmake of an old shirt.
Shorts. My favourite summer piece :)
Dark mori / witchy t-shirt! My favourite too!
Also skirt that I'm wearing with dark mori outfits.Theese dress/long t-shirt are very good for dark mori outfits too. And can you see this scarf? It's the best thing I can wear with dark mori outfits!
White ragged petticoat. I love it! It makes you fly like an fairy :)
...and the last thing. My passion, the only thing that I am able to do last days... dream catcher!
Is this post inspirative for you? And do you have some ideas for me?
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