I see all around how 80's are on the rise in every possible way.. And I'm really happy about this fact, cause 80's is really my favourite era in "modern" society. And I'll tell you why. GOTHS Of course, one of the main reasons is that the goth subculture was born in 80's, club Batcave was the main scene and a lots of awesome music was on the rise.
/from Buzzfeed.com/
AESTHETIC Who doesn't know 80's aesthetic? Glam vibes, shiny materials, I just love this weird kitsch pop culture! The thing that lyrics were often telling stories. Perm hair and platform shoes and fake wind and big hair and curly hair and fringes and even bigger hair and shiny makeup everywhere. Aaaah i would love to see everyone around looking like this :D look at this video, its full of things Im talking about. And rest in peace, Pete Burns <3
WIM WENDERS MOVIES I mean, it's really important moment in cinematography. Wim Wenders is my very favourite director and he shooted Paris Texas and Wing of Desire in 80's, his best work - in my opinion. He created modern art movies and inspired other directors. BAD (or at least weird) SCI-FI It really is the capture for itself. I'll just mention... The Toxic Avenger, UHF, Flash Gordon, Total Recall, Gremlins... Still related with the point about aesthetic :D I love that theese movies are full of cheap effects and i just fuking love COSTUMES OF BODY, like... Costume of muscled chest, costume of scarred chest, costume of simply weird chest.
and other things about glam rock fashion. I love the thing that mostly mans were wearing platform extravagant shoes. Why are mens so normal theese days? They should wear platform shoes or at least high leather boots! Let males wear what they want and stop calling it gay, it's nice and awesome and PLEASE i neeeeed it so much in my life!!
Bowie in platform shoes
we saw him on the picture about shoes, but he needs his own caption. I have nothing to add. Just - David - Bowie. And a lots of hearts and kisses.
Synthesizers are coming back and they're also making many copies of old legendary analog synths! That's really one of the best things I can see now. Few years ago it was for weird geeks, but now it's comming back and I just love it! Minimal synth music, come to me.
Unfortunatelly, I'm 90's kid, so its really unknown history for me. I know some important cultural things, but I really don't know what was it to live at this time. But I am really curious how people will take in this 80's trend and if I'm not gonna start to hate it :D
I had a really lazy day today, I am a bit sick, so I slept for many many hours, and the rest of the day, I was watching some youtube videos from music documents throught harajuku fashion videos to goth youtubers and my head is full of thoughts...
I would like to start with the word community. Im not gonna tell you where and who, but I heard someone talking about "strega community" and it get my attention, cause I myslet think that it might be the community where I would love to have some friends and be part of it. But then I just realized that "community" probably means you're just followings other strega people on tumblr and they're following you and maybe youre liking or rebloging each others posts and thats it. They might know just your profile, not you, and if you will see them one day face to face, it's probably gonna be weird and tense? They might not be the same friends as they were online.
What community means today? I thought it's a group of people, they are connected, they want to help other members, they are on the same side, fighting together. But what I see is that today you're gonna write a label on your social media profile and that probably makes you part of the community...
I was trying to get into lolita comm few years ago. And I lost my interest soon. I was chilling with other lolitas in tearooms, but I was always the quiet one in the corner and I realized that fashion doesn't connect people and fashion meetings seems that they are organized because some group girls just wants to look good and have a pictures of themselfs. I've found some friends there, yes, one or two girls are still in my heart even if I havent seen them for ages, but they helped me a lot and that's the thing I'm looking for in community and in friendship. Support and help.
I tried to see what's happening in our goth community, cause it's probably much bigger than lolita or strega (I have to admith that strega certainly needs to be connceted via internet). Goth comm seems like it might be local thing almost everywhere. So there are some goths here in my city, but they're like 18 years old manson fans, experimenting with drugs, talking about satanism and reading books about manipulation and they are so selfish that even if it is some kind of local goth community, it can't really work as helpfull, calm and nice society I am looking for.
So I need to think about czech goth community in global and yes - it works. But it seems like there is just about 10 people at all. They are connected together, they're visiting concerts together, ordering LPs together, recommending music, organizing parties.. And on the parties, you can see so many other goths, but they are mostly lost, trying to find some stable status in community, but they ended up unseen and unimportant.
And it makes me think about us - modern generation. Our parents were living real underground. They wanted to fight with the system, my parents were aginst communism and my father was playing in forbidden hard core band. And it connected artists and free-minded people, community was created without any hard struggles and they had the same target in front of them - to destroy communism. We're just creating our perfect characters on social media, listening to music which was underground many years ago, but now it's just irrelevant (but of course still good) music. We need to move on somehow. Use the internet for informations and for organizing real events. We need to have a same goal and go for it together. Start with a little things with your friends and make it bigger and bigger.
I need the real underground!
so... my goal is to start with tattoing people as soon as it's possible and connect alternative people thru it. Make some money to run a club with my boyfriend and organize something like black saturdays to wake up the goth scene in our city. We need to fight the calmness of this stupid city, where all the alternative clubs are destroyed by higher politicians (they had to cancel so many antifa concerts last year, I was shocked).
I would love to connect all the strega lovers too, but I'm really not sure how. What could connect us? Just imagine the strega full moon meet up, it would be real witches ritual! :D
Have nice day and don't forget to do today something that makes you happy :)
Hello (someone??)!
I would like to make a list of my favourite ootd bloggers and share it with you. I myself am trying to shoot some ootds and Im posting them on my tumblr and I am following there some awesome people having really inspiring style.
Mai Magi is in the role of absolutely white side good guy when it comes to opinions, but that's cute :) When it comes to fashion, she is not afraid of anything. She's a lady, fairy and warrior in one person. I absolutely love her dark fantasy inspired outfits, I like that her attitude is not screaming "I AM THE FASHION ICON AND IM GONNA RULE THE WORLD", she's as calm as her fashion style is, but still so original that noone of us could even imagine..
Gore and ghibli is a girl of trend called ninja goth and I absolutely love it. She's layering black ragged and scatted pieces and she looks like some kind of a dark ghost, i love the paranormal feeling of her fashion style. Chceck her out, she's a cute badass with an awesome style.
Larissa is also master of layering black pieces of clothing, but in more femine hair. She's also for me the icon, she showed me that I don't need to have a black (or silver or weird colored) hair for wearing all black outfits. Shes wearing more classical goth fashion, but with unordinary ordinariness.
I talked about Mai Magi and I can't forget Manic Moth. They seems to be somehow conncected, they are like almost the same person for me. Anyway, Manic Moth is more "hardcore", she's not afraid of really absolutely extreme things, she's wearing whatever comes to her mind and its not decent, but its breathtakingly stylish. She seems to be nice and peacefull person and yeah, you can see it in her outfits too, she's fairy, but sometimes she looks also like bloodthirsty werewolf. I love theese contrasts. Im trying to think about anyone else, but i just can't think about anyone who's so original and ispiring for me. I follow many of trad goths and they're great, but it's old good trad goth as we all know. I also love some strega bloggers, but they are all just taking inspiration from Mai Magi.
Today I decided to write about my hair goals, hair aesthetic I like etc.
I was born as blond little angel and I hated it so much since I was at first grade. I wanted to get rid of it as soon as my parents allow me to die my hair.
So when I was 15, I bought red hair colour and I was wearing this same red hair colour for almost four years. Then I started to hate it, unnatural red helmet on my head, also very damaged. I've get very short haircut and I started with ginger henna colour and soon I ended with colouring my hair completely.
me with red hair 4 years ago
Now I my hair colour is something indescribable, but absolutely natural. Its somehow blonde, somehow ginger, somehow brown... you know, wet straw colour..
Right now Im growing my hair as much as I can, trying to keep it heathly. I'm experimentaly colouring it sometimes, with purple or blue foam hair colours, it stays just one or two wash or sometimes with some directions colour or also with one special type of violiet sores lotion :D But I don't want to bleach my hair, so it's almost viewless. I would like to show you all the hair cuts I wish I could have, but now I have different goal and I don't know if I'll ever try to achieve some of them.
So the first thing I'm dreaming about is having black hair! I don't want to change my hair colour so rapidly, so I guess I'll never even try it, but it would be awesome to be "all black". Another thing I would love to wear is black bob as Cleopatra, as Mathilda from Leon, as Olga Hepnarová, as Larissa from Lebanon Hanover, as Jane Lane from Daria. Haircut of strong females with dark side.
I, Olga Hepnarova
Next thing I would like to create on my head, by I just don't know if it will really suit me, is deathrock mohawk - or just somehow shaved sides as you know from trad goth style. I think I'll never do it, cause I have really thin hair and I just can't take off any volume, also this hairstyle requires so many back combing and I want to have healthly hair :D Also I don't feel like this would suit to my real "me".
Deathrock mohawk... (I don't know who's the girl on photo, if you know, tell me)
Another thing... Bald head. I absolutely adore all the girls that could do it, it's someow really important thing to do and I understand what leads you to do it, cause I had a problem with how society sees the girls with long hair and with short hair. Sometimes you need a rest from your "girly" look and side. BUT I think Im over it now, I don't have a problem with it so why would I do that? Haircut is not just haircut, it's symbolical thing, it's ritual.
Another thing really can't wear but I'm so jealous about people who can - short bangs. I tried it and I looked like a penis, I just need to wear my long lolita fringe, cutted exactly few milimiters above the eyebrows.
Yuka Mannami
Than I would be also happy if blue or purple hair colour could stay on unbleached hair, but that's again my stupid problem with bleach. I would also like to try dreadlocks one day, but I just somehow... don't want to be considered as a hippie or party girl. I love the thing that you can put some weird coloured snakes on you head, but I hate the thing that it's dreads :D I'm sorry, but I absolutely hate dreads. I had many dreadhead hippie friends, but under their happy face is so many problems and they're hiding their dark side so much... So because I just don't know what to do with my hair, Im just letting it grow and grow and I want really long hair. Mabye one day I'll try black henna, or maybe I'll lighten it so I'll be real blonde as I was as a kid. What are yours hair goals of dreams? N.
I was in two big second hands yesterday and I am so happy about my haul. We have a great sales at thrift shops once in a month in my city. Whole Czech Republic is really cheap when it comes to second hand pieces, I bought 5 pieces yesterday and spent about 3 €, that's like lunch or 3 beers. But because I am lucky person, first I bought snacks, won 4 € (ongoing contest "find money inside of package") and then went to thrift shops. So the first thing I bought are theese black dresses. They will be great in summer, but I am afraid that I'm not gonna combine it with anything. Just simple black tights under and nothing more. Also they are really really tight for me and I can see my stomach, brests and even hem of tights. But great thing is that they're showing my back, so my tattoo is visible.
Then I bought dark grey jumper and I am absolutely in love with it. It has a small pocket, its really short, ends just above thenavel, you can see all the hems and there are little silver cubes hanging on a little shoelaces. I would say that it's "street punk" jumper and it's waiting for summer evenings.
Another thing I bought is this turtle neck weird plaid with bat wings? Or how to call it. It has holes for hands and its all flaring... I love turtle necks in this season and this could be the upper layer of very witchy and strega outfits. I needed something like cape or tippet.
Than I bought same shaped thing in black, made of much thicker fabric and with buttons There are also little holes for hands and its weirdly sewed together. I'm absoltely in love with this, it's great upper layer for layery outfits, I tried it yesterday when I went to concert to philharmonic orchestra. And it's awesome when it's freezing outside!
The last thing I bought is this vest cardigan or how to call it..? It's also nice thing for layering, I really like it, but I would never buy it for more than 1€, cause it seems for me like just piece of nonsensical fabric and it must be really simply to DIY it or DIY something else with the same flaring effect.
I am so happy with my new pieces of clothing and I cant wait to wear all of them. I was in both shops for a really long time, madly searching, and it was worth it! What about you and thrifting? Are you lucky?
Today Im gonna tell you about my artistic achievements.
(You can see my art tumblr HERE)
I'm 22 and I was studying graphic design + art since I was 15, so im in my field for a really long time..
When I was 15, I was just a young teenager who loves to draw crappy emo shits :D and I thought that graphic design is something I could do for a living. I was accepted to a really prestigious high school in Prague and yeah, I was learning about history of art, graphic design, figural drawing, surrounded by artists and free minded people for four years. Theese years were so awesome, the best memores I have comes from theese times. I learned to draw and all the basics, but I was lost when it came to "my own style".
old drawing
I graduated and I was immediately accepted on art college. But it was far away from my home and I was just so depressed there that I arranged transfer to another college in my home city. The problem was that everyone else was focused on something special, had his own style and I was just good at drawing. Now Im studying graphic-multimedial field in my home city, but it's under the Faculty of Education. Its not very good for "artistic reputation", but it gaves me a lot of time for developing my own style. I started to use all my knowledge of photoshop for illustrations and I like combine drawing by hand with computer graphic. AND after 7 years of studies I can finally say that I can draw hands!! yay!
I had an exhibition 07.01. this year in a Museum and I would like to show you some of my recent works I had there. I chosed "fashion" as a theme and I re-created models into a weird fat creepy monsters.
I would like to study illustration on prestigue art college in Prague, but it's too hard to get there, they accept just 2 people of a 100 every year. But I'm still very young and Im prepared to go throught hell for being a good illustrator.
Also, I would like to make some money with my illustrations and artistic skills and that's maybe the most important task I have. Im working on self-promotion and it's not enough, so I bought a tattoo machine to have some starting income.
today Im gonna tell you about goth trend that Im absolutely into..
If you're looking for an aesthetic pleasure, you can see it HERE on my fashion tumblr - its full of trends I find inspiring. But today I'm gonna focus on harnesses.
It's everywhere and I just can't get enough, I just can't get enough. Leather, rubber, whatever, it works so perfectly. It's quite too much sexy and some people thinks that it has to mean you're into BDSM or whatever, but I personally don't care, I just so love how you can wear it with all black outfits and it gives them the icing on the cake. You can wear heavy leather harness with spikes for an absolutelly badass look, you can also wear chainlet harness for a more royal look. It can highlight breasts and make you look more femine or it can goes just simply in the middle of your body or like a bag if you're afraind of sexual meanings... You just can't go wrong with harnesses.
Heavy spiked leather harness if you're not afraid of extreme and provocative look.
I prefer simple stripes as this. It's more acceptable by muggles.
my idea of chainlet harness... and it can be beautifull if it's silver on long black dress...
It's also not so hard to create, I made two pieces of harness for myself and Im wearing it quite often. For the first ones I just had to buy fake leather belts for about 1,50 € and a few silver keychains for about 0,50 €, then I sewed it together. It fits me and noone else and with the rubber ones its almost the same except it was even cheaper.
It's inspired by Linea Aspera and it's made of some cheap fake leather belts.
Rubber harness with rubber choker I made.
Im poor so I have to DIY, but if I was rich I would buy harnesses from here: Rabbit Heart Shop Envy Leather Apatico What do you think about harnesses? I know its just everywhere on tumblr and many of you are probably absolutely sick of it, but I can't help myself, it's just aesthetical pleasure for me. N.
Since I stopped blogging two years ago, I changed a lot in many ways. I told you about music. I'm also more adult and different thanks to all the things I experienced.
I was really hungry for the free life of a hippie child at 2014/2015, my music taste was infulenced by free spirit and I learnd a lot at this time. I was wearing mostly dresses with colorfull prints, I just looked like happy hippie girl at this time..
End of 2015 and start of 2016 was mostly in punk way of dressing - but that's typical for me, always was and always will (i hope). I came back to black colour, weird accesories, torned tights... but still afraid of make-up things and of being too extravagant and visible in crowd.
Summer 2016 was important for me in the fashion way. I realized how much I love to look the best way I can and that it's not a shame to love fashion, to follow the trends you like, to collect shoes etc. I decided to build my style with a passion, to create and to look however I want to, no matter what society things. I also realized that it's fun to discuss fashion with my boyfriend, who is deeply interested with fashion photography.
I finally started to shoot my ootd's again.
I sewed this hooded weird thing!
...and I created theese leatherate harness :)
I can't shoot ootd's so often now and Im really sorry about it, cause I like to see how my style is developing and changing. The thing is that we (me and by boyfriend) moved out from our old flat and we should move into our new flat, but then we found out that the floor in there is absolutelly rotten and it's impossible to live there. We come to an agreement with an owner that he'll fix it. Everything is almost done, but we had to live for three months in my mother's place just with some important things. We'll move soon, but I still have just a few important pieces of clothing and no place for shooting.
The only thing I can do is to draw my outfits.
The last and newest thing for me is that Im not afraid of make-up things anymore. I love to wear red lipstick and Im also learning to do some magical tricks with liquid eyeliner on my eyes :D Its mostly terrible, because my hand is shaking and I just can't do it symmetrical, but I'm proud begginer!
I'm looking forward to our new flat, I'll shoot my ootd's in there! And I'm also curious about how I'll change in 2017 :)
Hello there.
Today I want to write about this overgrown trend which is wearing symbols.
Symbols are visual signs and this fashion trend is using mostly occult symbols, ehich are connected with faith.
In my opinion, it's good to belive in whatever makes a sence for you, but you really need to have the brightest intentions. I'm officialy an atheistic, but I personally feel like I am somewhere between christianity, buddhism and judaism..? I also live on the ground of pagans and i quite feel that it's hidden somewehe deep in the roots of our country.
I like to use some powerfull symbols for some special occasions and I belive on power of rituals. In a fashion thing... I like to wear jewelry with symbols on it, but they need to be special. I've got so many old jewelry from my aunt before she died and I know they are really powerfull, they protect me. I lose it when I'm too ignorant and on the wrong way, I find it when I am back on the right way. I've got Ankh from my boyfriend and he did a ritual with it. It protects me. And I really feel it and deeply belive in it. I like to wear golden cross from Spain that I bought from an old lady on the street. I also created pentacle with a piece of wire and yeah, why not, it was made with my own hands so I put some energy into the object... They are all full of some strong magic, they are full of memories and they are all symbols of protection.
Hamsa that my aunt gave me
But then there is this fashion trend when many of unkowning people are wearing pentagrams, sulphurs and inverted crosses and they don't even know what does it mean and they wear it just because of the trend. I don't want to be too moralistic, but I think they are just weak victims of fashion industry, wearing symbols that could be actually stronger then they are. Im not sure if it works like this, but I just don't like when someone is playing with dark magic just like nothing, not knowing the aftermath.
Killstar bag
The other thing is... that all theese killstar pentagrams must be from some cheap material, maybee it can't be even used as magical symbol... When it's made somewhere in factory. Without story behind it. Or not? I have an experience with cheap cross and I haven't feel anything... no protection at all. Anyway... Please, don't let the faith be the fashion thing. Don't call yourself satanistic before you really know that it's your way and don't just play with dark magic before you know everything about it. You don't need to prove your "inner darkness" this way. N.
I told you about the music I was listening a lot last year. I have to tell you also about concerts I visited last year, cause some of the interprets started to be one of my favourites after the concert and I want to show you which ones.
I remember my trip to Prague. It was at March I guess? And it was magical experience. Bestial Mouth
One of the czech bands I saw at leat three times and was aslo forerunner for Bestial Mouth, but they played also in Hradec Králové and I think they are really great czech newborn band. Ba:zel
I don't even remember when, I think it was at spring or in summer?? I was on the concert of White Hills that everyone know from Jarmush's Only lovers left alive. I remember that I felt like in a dream and this glam awesome blonde playing bass was like an half devil half angel.
As a fan of synthesizers and czech undergound band Plastic People of the Universe, I was on concert of B4 - synth covers of PPU. The idea is something like.. "if PPU were from Germany". The concept is quite funny, but you need to know context. As music it's great!
Another great concert of MENU (they're organizing concerts in Hradec Králové) was again Ba:zel but with Julinko and I absolutely fell in love with them. The magical atmosphere that was in old factory where the concert was is written in my mind forever.
I was on Prague Gothic Treffen after 2 years of absence and the organization was pretty awesome. They added live bands, so it's not just goth discoteque, but real concert. Undertheskin were pretty good. Thanks Sancturary.cz for organization.
Autumn. One of the best unsuspected musical experience in Pardubice. It was in little music club called DUB. It was the day when I was depressed that Im not on the concert of Christian Death so I went there to listen at least something and it was really one of the best live musical experience of the last half yer. All Your Sisters. I bougth their LP!
MENU again organized concert of Xarah Dion and she is now in my cold wave playlists. It's such a great music and, as I like to say, it's my cup of tea and it's my blood type.
And that's all. I missed many concerts and I was sad about it, I was also on some bad concerts, but this is quite good number of concerts I really enjoyed last year.
Hope this year will be even better! I decided to spent most of my extra money for culture and LP's and I also want to finally do some minimal cold wave music by myself.
Because music is always so important to me and reflects my life, i decided to do a post about what music accompanied me in last year.
So basically... I was desperetly searching for something. I had enough of happy hippie songs all my friends are into. So...At the beggining of the year I was listening a lot of atmospheric minimal experimental electro? I guess..
It wasn't enough dark for me. I'm post-punk by a heart and this has just too much sentimental. I love disharmony, deep dark bass..
I was listnening a lot of Lebanon Hanover, which is my favourite band, i guess, but you can't listen one band all the time, so I was searching for something... The Soft Moon...
Okay... Never enough. I love magical womens in music. Cosmetics are great band, but it sounds more sexual than magical. I love them, but then I found my goddess... She's dark, she's smart, she has absolutely amazing voice... and she sings about things as it was about myself. Linea Aspera /also in other bands... Zainas and Keluar.
That get me right into the todays dark wave, which uses awesome sound of synthesizers, automatical drum machines etc.. I fell in love with the sound.
Another thing I need to show you are November Növelet / Haus Arafna as another project. They are so dark and so depressive and so cold.. awww i love it.
So... I fell deep into the pit of modern goth music. I exchange my music with other goths that I know. Im checking our czech goth web about music, I'm searching and searching, I need and army of dark and cold wave bands in my youtube playlist. She Past Away. They are here for longer time, but I discovered them this year. They are pretty "oldschool", which is not my cup of tea theese days, but still... It's the best todays but classical post-punk that I've heard in a long time.
Next... Absolute Body Control. Oh my... I just need to visit their concert. I'm so in love with this band and the best thing.. my boyfriend loves them too!
Hey.. than so many cold-wave bands that I know thanks to youtube, my friends and some articles... I can't talk ybout everything...
But what really gets me is... Vólkova. Goddess of dark atmosphere again. Bass that flows in my blood system.
My newest discover is Buzz Kill.
So that's all about the music I was listening this year. I think I'm on really great way :D I need to write also about concert in 2016.
Do you have some tips for me? Cold waves, goddess singers, disharmony, dark bass pulse, nihilistic atmosphere?
Not sure how to start, but let’s take it chronological..
I’m 1994
kid and I was born in golden age of grunge. Kurt Cobain was freshly dead
and his fame was rising even more thanks to this. I was born to
“underground” family, my father was famous hardcore bass player, my
mum’s nickname was Patti Smith.
So that’s my start. I was raised in
classic rock surroundings. When I was in uterus, my mum was listening
Nirvana. The first music that I ever heard and even now, when I hear
Nirvana, it’s for one hand too
over-listened, but for another it’s still magical and usually when I
sleep and dream about some music, it’s Nirvana.
Kid years are mostly about kids songs and what your parents listens.
So basically they gave me great music basics. Patti Smith, Velvet
Underground, The Doors, Alice in Chains, David Bowie, Hendrix, Janis
Joplin, Joan Jett, Jefferson Airplane, …
When I was like.. 10 years old, I started to really like some music,
that showed me my parents and I also started with finding something new by myself.
I became a big fan on Pixies, PJ Harvey and System of a Down. Especially PJ Harvey, I also infected my cousin :D
I was 12, we had almost the same music taste with my cousin, so we were
exchanging music that we like and it was almost like some competition
“who will find better music”. We found that the music we like is called
“alternative” and “indie”.
I loved Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Arctic Monkeys, I
remember that The XX was really unknown new band, The Kills and The
Dead Weather, The Libertines and Pete Doherty…
Okay. I was 13-14, when I met metalhead guy and he was big
inspiration for me. He was the only intelligent guy in my age that i
knew. I was never metalhead, but at this period I found some awesome music that is
connected with metal. Tool, Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, The
Agonist, Deftones, more Serj Tankian..
Next. I was 15, dating 23 years old guy who liked “soft” music. I was
still into all these old thing I was listening (when you start to like
something, it’s all your life with you. You can’t throw away your
“indie” period. It’s still with you.), but I was trying hard to find
some music that we both can like. I also started to listen dark cabaret.
So the queen for me was Emilie Autumn, of course. Than Amanda Palmer, Birdeatsbaby, Nouvelle Vague, Vermilion Lies..
Soon I discovered Siouxsie and the Banshees. I was 16, maybe 17. And
with Siouxsie, Bauhaus. My aunt was always listening Sisters of Mercy in
car and I started to love it. I also remember listening Alien Sex
Fiend, summer 2011, and my father who said “oh i was listening this when
I was your age”. Joy Division. I was also more and more depressed and
this music was just the right thing for me.
End of my first relationship. I was even more
depressed, crying daily with Nick Cave’s music. I went to Finland for
erasmus. Cure mania started. I tried to find some good post-punk and
“goth” music. Cabaret Grey, Echo and the Bunnymen, Jesus and Mary Chain,
Killing Joke, Savages, Sex Gang Children, Silent Scream,..
I started to be happy about this new “genre” i found for myself and
my parents never told me about it /and they knew many of these bands!/
It was like… patch for my bleeding. I started to look ahead for my life.
I dated the sexiest punk boy from my city and I was so proud of it.
We were listening punk mostly, but we both liked also post-punk and goth
music. Again it was like competition - who will find better music. It
was awesome period, but we were too stupid and like.. .”proud punk pair”
that was together just thanks to alcohol. So we broke up. It gave me
great music to listen! Misfits, I studied classical punk bands, also Tom
Waits, Christian Death, Black Flag…
Okay. Than the short period with jazz lover. We were listening Nick Cave together and Morphine.
Again - too much alcohol in relationship.
Even shorter period of dating with awesome and sexy goth guy, but we
started to date sooner then we could really know each others and i have to
say that this person is great friend but I need a totally different
kind of man. But he showed me some awesome bands and also he showed me
how to “find” goth concert in czech republic and that’s it’s not so
weird to visit them.
I'm listening Belgrado, Masquerade and Skeletal Family thanks to him.
Okay. I was 18 and my music taste was almost where it is right now. I
was trying to find something calm but dark at she same time. Crystal
Stilts, AKACOD, White Fence, Thee Oh Sees. Sonic Youth times. Something
between alternative, dark atmosphere and jazzy sounds.
I started to date my current boyfriend when I was 19. I was listening
my “dark” music, but he showed me jazz and I liked it. Typical Miles
Davis. Lou Donaldson, Herbie Hancock, Lonnie Smith. Than also calm
music as
Air, Can,..
But I was tired of all these stupidly “happy” sounds and I showed some of my music to my BF.
We together started to like more electronic music. I like electronic
sounds in cold wave music, he is more into normal electro or techno.
Today I like dark electronic music. I like typical old rock
legends. I like old goth legends. But now I’m examining cold wave
and dark wave and I'm not so much into deathrock as I was.
So now… it’s all about Lebanon Hanover, Xmal Deutschland, She Past
Away, Linea Aspera, Pleasure Symbols, Absolute Body Control, Beta Evers,
The Soft Moon, Gazelle Twin, Haus Arafna, etc.
But still… you can’t throw away your old times. So sometimes I just
need to listen something that I was listening while my punk period or
indie period or metal period… :)
And I have to say THANK YOU to everyone who influenced me.