Monday, September 15, 2014

Lomo robot 3 lens

Few weeks ago I bought new analogue camera called Lomo robot 3 lens. It's really simple technology and, actually, too boring for me. I like when I can change exposure etc., so this is just... just something new. It works like... that you have 3 lenses and every of them is photographing in diferent moment - so you can see moving objects. But for me, the time between shoots is too short.
 I'm preparing more projects with this camera, this film was just about trying. But I'll show you some photos!

What do you think? Do you have any ideas what to do with this camera? I'm preparing some shaddow/light plays. 


1 comment:

  1. Páni, jsou nádherný a mají úžasnou atmosféru trochu jako z nějakýho filmu.
