Thursday, February 20, 2014

black and white analog

i just came back from photo lab and i have some photographies! Some of them are for about half year old :)
i love my old zenit and i was always using just ordinary cheap film from drugstore. This summer I bought black and white film - and I love the photographies!! I will show you selection of the best:

Kozí mejdan 2013 - my sister

Kozí mejdan 2013
Kozí mejdan 2013 - funny whoever
Kozí mejdan 2013
Kozí mejdan 2013 - my working sister
Kozí mejdan 2013 - concerte of Hameln
Prague Gothic Treffen 2013
First school day - my friend Fox in tam
First school day - typical morning pub
First school day - catholic internate
On the way...
Old building...
Mother's hands
New year with K.
Sunday morning...


  1. Krásný, jsou jak z nějakýho film. Btw nevadí že komentuju česky.

    1. Já myslim, že je to asi přirozený a normální, když jsi ty česká a já taky a obě to víme a nechce se nám namáhat mozky .D
