Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Me and not-lolita fashion

Last post was about me and lolita fashion. This will be about my other styles and looks.

As I sayid in yesterday's post, I'm wearing lolita wery rarely. Only when I have good reason. Mostly I'm wearing some old, big sweaters and jumpers with tights and skirt or shorts. Nothing special, just ordinary ala homeless look.

Typical homeless autumn look...

Grandpa's sweater, shorts, tights. Typical for me - again.

When I'm in some good, positive and naive mood, I love to look like a fairy. White tights, waving skirts, floral dresses, pale colours and floral wreaths (I wore wreaths before it was cool!! :D)...

Childish and fairy together. Spring mood.

One of my favourite looks. I love this petticoat and skirt. T-shit is made by me.

On the other days I love to wear some childish stupid coloured pieces of clothing. Trying to look cute and creepy.

Absurdity of cute look and rough worlds.

Creepy Halloween. 1 and half year ago.

Pillow dress. Yes, this is very WHAT THE FUCK look :D
For about half year ago I was wearing also very goth-ish things. Just black, sometimes white stripes. Black lipstick, spikes or whatever. Over-knee socks. But my dark times left me - i have some personal memories for theese goth times and I feel stupid about it. So, me and true goth whatever... its over now. Im just taking a bit of inspiration in this style and listening just some kind of good goth music.

Black. Just black. I still think it's not so bad.

Prague Gothic Treffen. I still love this look, It's goth and cute and childish in one.

When it's better weather (it starts on spring) I love old ripped tights. Or fishnet tights. Thats why I'm looking for a spring!
Punk or whatever. I don't like this look so much now. It's too chliché, i think.

My favourite dresses and fishnet tights. Spring mood :)

Sometimes I choose to wear something clean and combinate it to look a little bit like a student or something like this... White shirts, black skirts, over-knee socks. Sometimes tie. It looks maybe totaly normal and same as other things, but I'm calling this "clen". In this I feel like someone else, someone who can do math and don't know nothing about positive effect of drugs to art. It's also a little bit hipster-ish sometimes.
velvet leggins, so hipster!

hipster again. and one of my favourite skirts. this is how i look when i want to look normal
Then something unclean. A little bit punk, I think? I dont like this so much. It looks cheap, I think.
This is not bad, somtimes I'm stil wearing this combination.

Not my style anymore.

this looks really cheap :D too short skirt. But I love this t-shirt.

Now, I have finally short hair, I love to wear man shirts and sweaters. I'm trying to create the best androgyny design, to hide anything sexual - no brests, no makeup, nothing "hot" or whatever.
Harry Potter t-shirt, man's shrt. Childish.

I have long hair on this, but this is my perfet anti-sexy idea of look.

again, long hair but androgyny feeling.
Main idea of this is tall feeling. But it's also hiding every female characters of body.

So what about you and your fashion seasons? How did you grow and what do you like now?


  1. I love these! Especially the "homeless autumn" look. And, lol, I see I already hyped this on Lookbook like a month ago
