Monday, February 17, 2014

Me and Lolita fashion

So this is something about my lolita fashion activity.

I love to buy, create and wear clothes. I´m looking for an inspiration in japanesse street style - last days, I´m mostly interested in mori kei. I have some lolita pieces in my wadrobe, some goth, hippie, punk pieces. Normaly, in school, on ordinary days, Im wearing something simple - sweater, skirts, shorts. I have this bohemian unclean image in school. But when comes to special days, I like to wear clean, cute, innocent lolita dresses.
You can see my lookbook profile here.

I don´t have any camera at home. Just an old zenit which is good for some artistic pictures. So my lookbook profile is not very actual. I have to buy some new camera to post something actual, cause I have short hair now and I love to play with this androgyn design!

Back to lolita...Well... I started to wear it about 3 years ago? I found some lolita meeting in Prague and I decided to go there. I was really shy and I didnt know anything about this fashion. I didnt know anybody from czech community. But I met some really nice czech lolitas - Shana, Cherri and Ketmara. I still feel like I am indebted to them. I was wearing just some ordinary new yorker dresses and I had some stupid old ballet tutu under. I was like "steampunk whatever".
My first lolita meetup
I visited another lolita meetup in Prage with different group of lolitas - and this was my first end on the start. There were some lolitas with typial girly-acting. You know, gossips, still worried about make-up, chating about boys and cheating them etc. I decided to be lolita solitaire.
I was wearing just skirts with petticoat calling it lolita. People in school were like "omg what´s with your ass, it´s so big" and now I know, I really know, that my outfits looked stupid and that it was not lolita. It was just... Petticoat under the skirt and stupid little hat.

Later I bought my first secondhand bodyline lolita dress. I was learing it like- oh, when I take theese dress and put petticoat under it, it will be good. I dont know. It was just... Normal. No personality, no originality, just sweet lolita. I bought RHS shoes too, but the platform is too tall for me and walking in theese is hard for concentration.
I was continuing with trying to find some originality. Still stupid. Then I stopped with lolita. I started to wear short skirts, more punk and goth or just simple fairy whatever. And I shorted all my loliable skirts. And now, Im wearing lolita only when I have some good reason. I cant do theese "lolita"/not so loli experiments cause my skirts are too short now. So! Finally, Im wearing this fashion just with real loli pieces of clothing! And I think I can wear it now and I dont look stupid in lolita anymore! (But still you have to forget that you are wearing this extreme kind of fashion which is actually stupid all the time)
I joined czech communily again. Just a little bit, but still... I posted something on official czech lolita sites and I visited christmass meetup in Prague. And I feel that I am ready to be more active than before!

So. There are some of my lolita or loliable outfits:

Only the insane equates pain with success.

Black is the color of true peace.
Who´s been sleeping in my grave?

Kill for peace!

Tweedledee and tweedledum

Bad wine and lemon cake

Honestly, I like just last two outfits. The second is not even lolita and on the third there is no petticoat. But I´d like to put it into my lolita outfits cause this is how I was learning about lolita fashion. You can see the time in theese posts. The first one is just "yay I have theese dress I can call myself lolita" and then trying to put something original together, looking for something that also describes ME. And I can see myself just in last two posts.

I feel like this song is fitting with article.
Its hard for me to admit that I am fashion addict.


  1. But I love how you find your way in lolita..It's quite similar with me, I've neber been ..actual lolita, I always do things my way and probably most of the lolita komunity doesn't like it but..whatever :D

    Btw, am I still you're only follower?...Cause it's a pleasure, I have you just for myself :D

    1. Yes, you are still my only follower :D unpopularity lvl 30

    2. xDD same with me, don't worry :D

  2. I really love that last one...lolita but not cliche lolita

  3. (Píšu v češtině, jsem trapák.) Tak od tebe byla ta hezká černá sukně s korálky na Votoči, škoda, že jsem si ji nestihla koupit včas. Ten třetí outfit odspoda se mi hrozně líbí, šaty samy o sobě sice příliš ne, ale v té kombinaci s doplňky to vypadá zajímavě, evokuje mi to Tank Girl. Já se pořád nemůžu rozhodnout, jestli lolitu nosím ráda nebo ne. Nejdřív si v ní připadám úžasně a chvíli na to jako kretén, hlavně v OTT. Přesto bych se těch šatů asi nedokázala vzdát.

    1. Nu, o tu sukni byl děsnej boj, úplně mi z toho šla hlava kolem :O Já si v ní připadám už spíš jako kretén, ale taky bych se svých lolitích kusů nedovedla nikdy zbavit. Věřim, že jednou zase přijde nějaká má loli příležitost :D
