Monday, February 24, 2014

School again...

So it's here again. School after spring holidays...
My spring holidays were... fine. I dont know - I was with K. almost all the time. I wanted to go to pub with some of my old friends, but I'm just too shy to tell them. So, yes, It was a little bit sad and when you add my self-hate problems I'm having last time, I didn't have good holidays.

So I was at home amost all the time, playing with my rats - YAY! I think it's the best thing to do at home :D My rat named Flying is so domesticated and friendly that she can be on the floor in the whole house - she is running from kitchen to mom's bedroom, than back to livingroom into the cage,... and when I say "Flying rat, come to me", she comes to me :) Tiger is too scared to leave well known places, so she is sometmes on my shoulder or she is climbing outside on the cage.
When there is Gypsy, our kitten, they have to be inside of the cage - he is not agressive, but I'm too scared. But, honestly, Gypsy is very afraid of my rats and my rats loves Gypsy. They act like crazy when they smell him, they are biting and licking him throught the cage when he is around. Sometimes I put them together on the floor and Gypsy just tries to slap them very softly and then quckly run away. And rats are trying to get as close to him as it is posible.
I also bought new dress. They are for kids, but still fitting me. I'll have white lolita shoes too, I hope - cause I need them to my prom.
Prom is now main subject of debates in school. I hate it, i hate it, i hate it! It's still just "what about a parade", "we need money for gifts", "we have to do artistic prom calendar", "we need to practice some midnight surprise" etc. Also I made poster for the ball - so I have to do some others promotional materials like tickets, invitations, program and numbers on tables. Then there are still some doubts about my poster. Header of our school is still like "oh no, it's just too sad and just black and white and without happy colours" and they want still something more positive. Hell no, it's mine poster!
Poster. -"Are you going to the ball?"  -"hahaha yes." + informations
So... It's just fist day of the school and I'm very tired. And hungry too. This week I canceled all my dinners on the student house, because of my wish to be true vegetariand and also because their food is just horrible. I'm alone on my room this week, cause my room-mate has a spring holidays. So I can listen my music loud and I can have turned on just little lamps and not theese big fluorescents.

Have a nice evening!

1 comment:

  1. Já o prázdinách zabředla do dělání smeinárek a jiného zal. Ten plakát na ples se mi líbí, a začínám litovat že sme žádný neměli. Ty krátký vlasy se mi na tobě líbí vypadáš rebelsky.
