Thursday, May 11, 2017

Our dog

Today Im gonna tell you about another awesome thing that happend recently in my life. Not just that I'll be mother in four and half months, but I am also FINALLY a dog owner.

I was always a cat person, but few years later I realized that I can "talk" with dogs. So I builded up my knowledge about dogs while walking them from local dog shelter. I was constantly terorizing my boyfriend with "i need a dog" and few months later he accepted that. So I was searching for a dog in local shelter and on the internet. I found few adepts and one super-mega-yeah adept. He was in shelter in another city, so I organized a trip with my boyfriend, my sister, her boyfriend and their dog.
When we stepped in into the shelter, the first thing we see is the dog I saw on the internet, running to us. And my BF said just "oh wow, this is the love at the first sight". So we took him for a walk, did some paperwork and yay - he was our!

His name is Vilík, he's probably 3 years old and he can't eat chicken meat because of an allergy. He's a great hunter, but also great cuddle bear.
He also looks a bit funny - quite like a Michael Jackson.

So we have a dog and it's awesome. But he's quite too much rebellious, so I'm teaching him things as "sit down", "come here" etc. But it's really hard with come here when we're somewhere on fields, cause he smells hares around. I'm walking him on super-long rope, but my bf is more confident and he's running with him without any leash.
And few days ago, we just celebrated one month with a dog, he runned away on the field. And my BF didn't have any phone cause when he's running he don't want to have too many thing in pockets. So he came home without dog and explained what happend to me. We spent a whole day searching for him in the fields and we couldnt find him. I was crying as a baby, I was absolutely desperate, we called a police and at the evening I was browsing the internet, posting insertions - and than I found the photo of him on the web of a local dog shelter. But it was almost 10 o clock at the evening so we had to wait until the next morning. I had really bad dreams that night, I couldn't sleep properly and I woke up really soon at the morning as I couldn't wait anymore.
So we rided up to the shelter. As an official owner, I had to do some paperwork since my BF get our dog back. And Vilík was so happy, jumping around, licking our faces... We had to pay some money to the shelter and than we had to do also some paperwork with police. We payed the lowest penatly you can have, I was prepared for somethinch much more expensive. And everyone was telling jokes like "there you have your little crimminal".
When we came home, Vilík was absolutely super-happy, he rolled over his bed, over our bed, he played with every sock he found on the ground, he happily barked at my rat cage and we were so fucking glad we found him.
So now... walks are possible only with super-long rope. And he has a contact written on his collar. And we don't want to loose him again, so I'm training him more and more and I'm also learning things about how to train dogs and it's getting much better!

Wish me good luck with this little super fast dragon :) and tell me everything about your dog, i love dog talks! Or about your experiences about shelters and disobedient dogs 
N. and Vilík

1 comment:

  1. Gratuluj k hafíkovi. Já bych psa chtěla hrozně moc, ale moje zdraví by to asi nevydýchalo.
